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Part No Description
DCS 2 Sooma tDCSâ„¢Delivery Kit
SoomatDCSâ„¢ stimulator
Soomaelectrode pair (ELM2)
Small Smart Cap (SCS2)
Medium Smart Cap (SCM2)
Large Smart Cap (SCL2)
60 pairs of electrode sponges (SPM2)
Stimulation electrolyte, NaCl0.9%, 5x30 ml (NACL)
Neck Pouch for SoomatDCSâ„¢(NECK)
SoomatDCSâ„¢ Carry Case (CASE)

PTS10 10 individually packaged patient sets, each containing:
Smart Cap (select size)
20 pairs of electrode sponges
PTS50 50 individually packaged patient sets, each containing:
Smart Cap (select size)
20 pairs of electrode sponges
Smart Cap montage2: Bifrontalstimulation (F3,F4)
SC2 S Size Small (50-54 cm)
SC2 M Size Medium (55-58 cm)
SC2 L Size Large (59-cm)
Flex cap montage 2: Bifrontalstimulation (F3, F4)
HM2 S Size Small (50-54cm
HM2 M Size Medium (55-58 cm)
HM2 L Size Large (59-cm)
ELM 2 Pair of electrodes for montage 2 head cap
Symmetric electrode size
50 x 70 mm with red cable
50 x 70 mm with black cable
Electrode sponges for montage 2 electrodes
SPM 220 20 Pairs
SPM 2100 100 Pairs
SPM 2500 500 Pairs
NECK Neck Pouch for Sooma tDCS